Add an iframe.
IFrame Molecule | |
Preference Dialog | |
Properties | |
type | string, ( r ) | | string, ( r ) |
pref. | string, ( r, w ) |
pref. | string, ( r, w ) |
pref.url | string, ( r, w ) |
pref. | string, ( r, w ) |
pref. | string, ( r, w ) |
pref. | string, ( r, w ) |
pref. | string, ( r, w ) |
pref. | string, ( r, w ) |
pref. | string, ( r, w ) |
pref. | string, ( r, w ) |
pref. | string, ( r, w ) |
pref. | string, ( r, w ) |
pref. | bool, ( r, w ) |
contentWindow | object, ( r ) |
contentDocument | object, ( r ) |
history | object, ( r ) |
src | string, ( r, w ) |
Functions | |
attach | |
detach | |
delete | |
rename | |
show | |
hide | |
refresh | |
clone | |
serialize | |
dispatchEventWithData | |
loadEngine | |
loadDroplet | |
loadFormation | |
clear |
string, ( r )
The scriptable name for this molecule. This name can be set using rename function dynamically.
string, ( r, w )
Specifies the image border style.
Possible formats,
border-width | thin, medium, thick, ~length~ (in pixel value). |
border-color | rgb(255, 0, 0) or #ff0000. |
border-style | none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset. |
string, ( r, w )
Specifies the style of the scrollbars when content overflows the iframe.
auto | Default. If content is clipped, a scroll-bar should be added to see the rest of the content. |
visible | The overflow is not clipped. It renders outside the element’s box. |
hidden | The overflow is clipped, and the rest of the content will be invisible. |
scroll | The overflow is clipped, but a scroll-bar is added to see the rest of the content. |
string, ( r, w )
Specifies the sides of the image where other floating elements are not allowed.
left | No floating elements allowed on the left side. |
right | No floating elements allowed on the right side. |
both | No floating elements allowed on either the left or the right side. |
none | Default. Allows floating elements on both sides. |
string, ( r, w )
Specifies the embeded iframe content policy. The value can either be an empty string (all the restrictions is applied), or a space-separated list of pre-defined values that will REMOVE particular restrictions.
allow-same-origin | allows the document to maintain its origin; pages loaded from will retain access to that origin’s data. |
allow-top-navigation | allows the document to break out of the frame by navigating the top-level window. |
allow-forms | allows form submission. |
allow-scripts | allows JavaScript execution. |
dispatchEventWithData(event_name, obj_name, obj);
Dispatches a custom DOM event with the given event name and a data object with the given name to iframe’s document. The receiver of the event can use params[obj_name] to access passed data in a script molecule.
event_name | (string) event name. |
obj_name | (string) data object name. |
obj | (object) data object. |
loadDroplet(json, x, y, b);
Loads a droplet in its serialized JSON format into iframe’s document at location (x, y) and set its hideonload attribute to b.
json | (string) json representation of a droplet. |
x | (int) x-coordinate of the document. |
y | (int) y-coordinate of the document. |
b | (bool) specifies if droplet is hidden on load. |