Molecule Reference

Molecule Reference
ArchitectureoTakhi Condenser currently offers 36 molecules for assembling cloud formations and web applications.
Basic PackThe basic pack consists of 26 molecules.
3D PackThe 3d pack consists of 10 molecules.
Helper ObjectsAdditional platform functionalities are provided via the following helper objects.


oTakhi Condenser currently offers 36 molecules for assembling cloud formations and web applications.  They are separated into 2 packs.  The Basic pack contains the essential molecules for creating interactive contents, whereas the 3D pack enables you to create real-time 3D online games.  In the future, more molecule packs, and a SDK for creating custom pack, will be released allowing you to create even more sophisticated online apps.

Each molecule supports a set of attributes and methods.  During Condenser’s Edit phase, attributes can be modified in the molecule’s preference dialog.  This dialog can be invoked simply by double clicking on the molecule’s icon.  During the Preview or Runtime phase, both attributes and methods are available for scripting using the oTakhi Scripting Object Model (oSOM).

oSOM describes the hierarchical relationship among build-in objects provided by oTakhi platform.  For instance, the app object is always at the root of the application.  At the next level are the droplets which are containers that hold molecules from an even lower level.

Each object, its attributes and methods, can all be accessed using their corresponding scripting path (e.g.  app.droplet.molecules[1].method().)

Droplets and molecules, that have attribute, can be dynamically renamed and the new name immediately becomes the property of the parent object for accessing that droplet or molecule.  This feature makes oSOM a very dynamic and flexible scripting environment.  (e.g. to create reusable objects that dynamically adapt to its hosting application.)


app object is the application root.


droplet is a programmable container of molecules.

Basic Pack

The basic pack consists of 26 molecules.

Text Molecule is a raw HTML editor and renderer.

Image Molecule adds an image to a droplet.

CSS Molecule is a portable CSS style sheet for styling a droplet.

Script Molecule is an embeded JavaScript editor for adding programmable behavior to a droplet.

Cursor Molecule changes custom or system cursors for a droplet.

Keyboard Molecule allows a droplet to respond to different key presses.

HR Molecule adds a horizontal rule to the droplet.

IFrame Molecule loads external web pages and apps.

Quicktime Molecule adds a quicktime video to a droplet.

Flash Molecule adds a flash video to a droplet.

Var Molecule adds a javascript variable to a droplet.

Object Molecule adds a javascript object to a droplet.

Array Molecule adds a javascript array to a droplet.

Timer Molecule adds a javascript timer to a droplet.

Event Receiver Molecule enables a droplet to respond to custom DOM events.

Messenger Molecule allows a droplet to broadcast custom DOM events to all or a sub-group of droplets.

Canvas Molecule adds vector graphics to a droplet.

XML Molecule adds XML generation, parsing, and transformation capabilities to a droplet.

AJAX Molecule provides AJAX service to a droplet.

CCRX Molecule provides miscellaneous web application service to a droplet.

Server Molecule not available in current release.

Client Molecule adds a client web socket to a droplet.

GMap Molecule adds a programmable Google Map to a droplet.

Alias Molecule allows a droplet to inherit behaviors dynamically from external script molecules.

Bond Molecule combines multiple molecules into one compound behavior.

Memory Molecule implements personal in-memory database.

3D Pack

The 3d pack consists of 10 molecules.

Camera Molecule adds a 3D scene to a droplet.

Light Molecule adds a light source to the 3D scene.

Mesh Molecule adds a 3D mesh to the scene.

Material Molecule adds materials to a droplet, which are immediately available to other molecules.

Environment Molecule adds environment effects to the 3D scene such as sky box and fog.

Terrain Molecule not yet implemented in current release.

Composer Molecule adds post-processing effects to a 3D scene.

Particle Molecule adds particle effects such as firework, rain, smoke, etc.

Manual Object Molecule adds 3D primitives to the scene.

CG Molecule adds custom vertex and fragment shaders to the scene.

Helper Objects

Additional platform functionalities are provided via the following helper objects.

molecule is a constructor object for creating new molecule at runtime.

droplet is a constructor object for creating new droplet at runtime.

animator is a helper object for scripting keyframe-based animations.

replicator is a helper object for replicating 3D meshes with controlled randomness.

keyframe is a helper object for configuring the keyframe of an animation.

track is a helpr object for controlling a keyframe-based animation track.

tracks is a set of track objects for configuring a mesh molecule’s animation and audio tracks.

effectFx is a helper object for creating special effects such as lens flare.

VectorMath is an utility object for performing 2d and 3d vector math.

Joint3D is an utility object for controlling jointed meshes during physics simulation.

VehicleHelper is a helper object for rigging vehicle and suspension animations.

CCRxXMLGenerator is an utility object for generating XML.

CCRxXMLTransformer is an utility object for transforming XML.

A constructor object for creating new droplets.
A constructor object for creating new molecule.
A helper object for scripting reusable keyframe-based animations.
A helper object for replicating 3D objects with controlled randomness.
The keyframe object.
A track object of a keyframe-based animation.
The animation and audio tracks of a mesh molecule.
A helper object for creating special effects such as lens flare.
A helper object for performing 2D and 3D vector math.
A physical joint.
A helper class for creating realistic simulation of vehicles and suspensions.
An XML generator that takes XPath-like input and generates XML document.
An XML transformer that transforms raw XML document using a downloaded XSLT template from a given URL.